Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Alamo Homes

We took a tour of the homes and gardens of Alamos. These are photos of each of the 3 homes we toured. All are entered thru a wroght iron gate and a carved wood door. The beauty is in the interior gardens and portico areas around the central patio. We liked the second, smallest house the best.

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Alamos, Sonora

We had to wait on some parts for the boat when we got to San Carlos, so we made an inland trip to the beautiful colonial city of Alamos. At one time it was one of the richest silver and gold mines in the world, and the owners built beautiful homes, many of which are now hotels. The whole town is a national historic monument. The second photo is the entrance to the Santos hotel. The third photo is of the Patio The photos do not fully show the beauty of the grounds. Alamos was essentially a ghost town from the 1920s until 1948 when an American bought and restored the Casa de los Tesoros (Treasure House) a former convent and the hotel we stayed at. The furniture is
from the 19th century as is the art work. The last photo is taken from the Gazebo in one of the two town squares. A truly unique place.

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New Years Day in Prescott

Here are Edwin and Hamilton on the back deck of our home in Prescott on New Year's Day, 2011. The drifts were almost 3 feet high and I dug little fox hole forts for their sn0wball fight with a couple of scoops in the deepest part. Beautiful, but it made the road to our home a mess when it started to melt a few days later. This is a video, but I don't know if it will open as one on the blogger.
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Another sign of fall in Prescott, is the return of the Pronghorn Antelope to the area opposite our hanger at the Prescott Airport. They are somewhat used to people, and you can see how close I got to take this photo of the fastest animal in North America
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Christmas in Roanoke

We spent Christmas in Roanoke, VA. with Cat, Chad, Cooper and Parker. There was the usual orgy of gifts, and I surprised Linda with a Kindle, barely keeping her from ordering one on line just before we left. It snowed Christmas Eve so we had a White Christmas, as you can see from the photo of Cat and Chad's house. We spent the rest of the week at their condo in Wintergreen, skiing with Chad and Parker, Cat and Cooper are snowboarding now. A great holiday for all. We returned to Prescott on New Years Eve and took Edwin and Hamilton with us, to play in the two feet of snow at our house.
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Fall in Prescott

Until we moved to Prescott, Linda and I have never lived where there are 4 actual seasons. This is the road to our home in the fall. We visited Cat's family for Christmas, where we had a white Christmas, and returned home on New Years Eve and brought Edwin and Hamilton to Prescott where we had 2 feet of snow at our house. It snowed Chrismas Eve in Roanoke so the photos of Cat's house are Christmas morning. A new experience for us desert rats
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