Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Biker Chicks and a Cruiser Love Story

Our old friend, Frank Howard, a fellow Cal owner of the vessel Snowgoose, bought a Honda Gold Wing bike in 2009, just after we brought Snowgoose back up from Huatulco, and he has since put over 70,000 miles on it traveling around the US (literally from Coast to Coast). Sorry Frank, no Photo of the bike. Frank gave Linda a ride from La Paz to Cabo and back to visit the CostCo 
(Linda's favorite).  When our friend Helen learned of this adventure, she started calling Linda the "biker chick". When we visited Loreto with our new friends Barry and Connie, I had to take a photo in the "Bikers Bar" of Linda and Connie hamming it up.  Barry and Connie are an amazing story.  They met in their early twenties while both were backpacking around Europe and North Africa.  They stayed at Barry's place in 
 London, before Connie returned to the U.S.  She married an old boyfriend (who she divorced a year later) and sent Barry a "Dear John" letter.  Barry left England for the US and got as far as the Canary Islands where he signed on as crew (his first sailing experience) .  He enjoyed it so much, he made a career of sailing and has done 4 solo transpacs (San Francisco to Hawaii).  The boat in the third photo is the one he has most recently used.  Meanwhile, Connie looked for him in London but he had left.  Barry ended up in Vancouver Canada.  After she retired, Connie began to search for Barry on line and found him in Vancouver. He had never married and she had never remarried.  They met again 40 years later and have been cruising together for the last 3 years.  Amazing story.
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