Wednesday, January 30, 2013


 This is out of sequence, as they were taken with my dive camera (and on a different picasa album).  They show the beautiful white sand beaches of the Coronado Islands off Loretto, and the clear waters.  Dolphins swam thru the anchorage twice a day, and the diving was pretty. I "grabbed a little daylight" in the one shot. Really tough to grab those rays just as the photo snaps! Our favorite anchorage. No matter where the wind blew or how strong, we had a comfortable ride.  The eclipse of the sun occurred while we were there and we watched it thru welding glass courtesy of Bill and Diane, on the True Love.  On our favorite night, we heard a whale slapping the water in the anchorage with his tale, and when we came on deck, there were thousands of fish making a light show in the water due to the phytoplanketon bloom.  Amazing, Linda got up and watched it for hours several nights in a row. Sorry, photos did not turn out.

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