Monday, September 6, 2010

Hidden Harbor (Puerto Escandido)

We departed Agua Verde for Puerto Escandido, which has the reputation of being the best hurricane hole on the Baja Pennisula. We had never stopped here before. It is just south of Isla Carmen, where we have anchored on previous trips. The facilicties are moorings and a fuel dock and dockage for limited time for some boats. Singular, a division of the Mexican governments Fonatur (the tourism branch) built or took over 10 marinas in Mexico, in a project that they are now trying to sell. Although only moorings are available, the cost approaches a marina, typical for government operations. The 4 story high building next to the dock is a duplicate of the same type of facility that Singular built at it's other 9 marinas. The center of the second photo, taken from the patio by the second story pool, the mountain is not an island. There is a low lying land on either side of it and closer up you can see the Sea of Cortez on the other side. The large mountains to the west and north offer good protection, and there are moorings for over 200 boats. Linda is seated by the hot tub, which is next to a "lap pool" which is about 12 feet wide and 25 yards long. We left after a couple of days for San Juanico.

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