Monday, September 6, 2010

San Juanico

We departed Puerto Escandido for San Juanico, a beautiful bay with several anchorage choices, depending on the wind. The wind favored the North anchorage when we arrived. The weather was perfect and the water very clear so I went diving for a couple of hours and checked out the area with our dingy. There were 13 boats in the anchorage, and we all went ashore to roast marshmellows, drink and share stories. Several boats had kids on board, hence the marshmellow roast. When they suggested it, the temperature was in the mid 80s so we wondered, however, after sunset, it cooled off to the low 70s so the fire was welcome. We planned to stay here a few days and then head north to Muleje or Punta Chivato, before crossing to the mainland. Unfortunately, the wind came up and blew into the anchorage all morning the next day, so we left late in the afternoon for San Carlos, where we will put Iron Rose on the hard for the summer, to dry her out before applying a new epoxy bottom and bottom paint.
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