Monday, February 13, 2012

Diving Conception Bay

I took these while free diving (no tanks) the islands of Conception
Bay. I do not have a strobe for this camera, so the colors are not true. The first is an ordinary 6 point starfish, the second is a skate and the third a Queen Angelish. I ended up doing another rescue as 2 kids in an inflatable kayak that was leaking air, lost a paddle and the wind blew them out to the islands where I was diving. I brought them halfway back, when their parents realized the problem and picked them up in a ski boat. It is the week before Smena Sante, the biggest holiday in Mexico, and the beach is already filling with tents and campers. We will be leaving before the noise starts. It is very pretty here when the winds are calm. There are many anchorages in this sea within a sea. The water is still cold enough to require a shorty wet suit. We visited the old river town of Mulege a couple of times to get parts and have a nice meal ashore. Coyote Bay is the largest anchorage and has a big expat community adjacent. They all showed up to dance and party on Saturday and the lone restaurant on shore.
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