Monday, February 13, 2012

Puerto Escandido

We arrived at Puerto Escandio after a short sail down the coast of Isla Carmen. We docked at the fuel dock and luckly were able to get a mooring for Loretofest. There are 117 bouys and about 10 side ties for boats and anchorage for another 50 or so. They fill up every year for Loretofest, which last about 4 days. Only about a third were occupied when we arrived but a few days later the entire cove was full. The first photo shows a sunset our first night there. The second shows one of the 2 "windows". We think the original Spanish filled in the area between 2 islands to enclose the cove. You can see the Sierra Gigante behind the shot of the Iron Rose on our first mooring. The water is
exceptionally clear in the shallows. There are a couple of restaurants, a small store and chandlery ashore, plus a guy who could help me fix the 15 horse motor. It turned out to be the electronic ignition. We rented a car and went into Loreto to call and order the part from San Diego. We spent the first few days exploring the anchorage by kayak, and the water was warm enough for me to swim.
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